Monday, May 23, 2016

restaurant review: azura in jerusalem

Our meal at Azura.
One of the more popular spots in the Mahane Yehuda market (Shuk) in Jerusalem is an Iraqi restaurant called, Azura. A new chum invited Mr. Sazy Rock and I for lunch at Azura - a place that has been around for over 25 years - while we explored the Shuk. It just so happened that as we met for lunch, the skies opened. So, it was perfect timing to be sheltered inside the restaurant smelling all sorts of food and eating tasty treats.

The Scene

This simple spot was very homey and casual. The tables were very close so we could easily hear other diners' conversations on nearby tables. The vibe was definitely fun but people were also quickly in and out after eating their meal.


The Food
  • Kube - Iraqi sutffed dumpling soup

  • Kima - Eggplant with braised squash, onion, potatoes and ground beef.

  • Oxtail Stew - Rich and paprika-y.

Oxtail Stew.
  • Falafel - crunchy outside.

  • Hummus - Rich and creamy.

The Price

Despite the hominess and its location in the Shuk, it was actually not cheap. For three diners, our meal was about $75.

The Service

Although the place was one of those quick and easy fast casual type restaurants, the server was very friendly and helpful.

The Verdict

For a quick stop in a friendly environment, Azura was well worth the price. It also provided a nice shelter when it rained. 

1 comment:

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